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Data in the time of Corona

Frank Blau
Frank Blau Aktualisiert am 26. Apr. 2021
Data in Tim of Corona by Frank Blau

Wie helfen Daten in Zeiten von Covid-19 neue Insights für Ihr Business zu generieren?

Das Coronavirus stellt viele Unternehmen momentan vor grosse Herausforderungen. Nicht alle sind Experten im Umgang mit digitalen Kommunikationstools oder können die Business- und Daten-Kontinuität aufrecht erhalten. In Zeiten von Corona – der physischen Distanz – sollen uns Social Intranets und digitale Kollaborationsplattformen helfen, die so wichtige Nähe zu bewahren. Frank Blau, Senior Consultant und Data Architect, erzählt im neuen VLOG über welche drei Themen wir uns in dieser Zeit der Isolation und Unsicherheit besonders Gedanken machen sollten:

  1. Kontinuität
  2. Kollaboration
  3. Kommunikation
Mehr dazu hören Sie im VLOG!


With apologies to the great writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who wrote the wonderful novel "Love in the Time of Cholera", I felt there were three themes that are important to be thinking about right now in this time of isolation and uncertainty:
  1. Continuity
  2. Collaboration
  3. Communication

There are 3 types of continuity to consider

The first is Business Continuity, or the ability to still meet the needs of your customers. This is perhaps the one causing business owners the most uncertainty. What is needed is an understanding of how you can continue to enable your employees delivering goods and services to your customers. It also means enabling your customers to express new needs and requirements as they also adapt to this new world we find ourselves in.

The second type of continuity is Human Continuity, or your ability to make your customers and employees feel relevant and secure in the choices they are making. This means working in ways that may not have been a part of your pre-Corona culture. How do you have an "open door policy" in a remote access world? This is an important question to answer as our businesses and networks become more physically isolated.

The third type is Data Continuity. This means are your critical decision-making analytics still available and trusted as you navigate new modes and opportunities. Are you able to access financial and marketing data with the same frequency and security as you could from sitting in your office? Being able to provide solutions to these 3 domains will be a key survival metric for businesses over the coming days, weeks and months.

One key to all of these is leveraging new modes of collaboration

While many of us in the digital world are familiar with tools like Slack, Git, Trello and other online applications, many in the non-digital world are still struggling to share documents in secure and version-controlled ways. Reaching out to your customers and getting them hooked into the same tools that you are using to collaborate internally would be a great way to show leadership and initiative as they transition to remote work. Don't neglect the internal collaboration either. Many of us are used to ad-hoc collaboration with coworkers in our immediate vicinity. Not having access to each other in this way means relying on our digital tools even more.

And the last and most obvious theme is Communication

What I would stress during this time is that there is a lot of good data being used to visualize the pandemic's spread, but there is also a lot of misinformation being shared also. If you are going to share a data point, article or even an internet meme, try and verify the source before making a part of your communication. And lastly, I would say that during this time of isolation, people need a lot of reassurance that the lines of communication are still open and functioning. If you are contacted by a client or potential client, err on the side of more rapid response than usual to lower the anxiety on all sides as we learn how to build trust and collaboration in this time of Corona.

We are here!

In all these challenges we are here to assist you in creating the continuity, collaboration and communication that you need to make it through this challenging time and come out with new wisdom, insight and opportunities.

Frank Blau
Frank Blau
Senior Consultant & Data Architect
Frank Blau ist Senior Consultant & Data Architect bei MASSIVE ART. Frank bringt viel Berufserfahrung als Business Intelligence Data Architect in grossen amerikanischen Unternehmen mit und ist IBM Champion für Cloud und Blockchain. Für ein Gespräch über Informationsmanagement oder das aktuelle Weltgeschehen ist er immer zu haben.