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Schon wieder leere Batterien?!?

Thomas Schedler
Thomas Schedler Aktualisiert am 17. Aug. 2020

Mobee Technology hat einen Innovativen Ansatz für einen induktiv ladbaren Akku für die Magic Mouse von Apple gewagt. Damit ist es möglich die Maus ohne Kabel zu laden: Einfach auf das Tablett stellen, und der Akku lädt sich automatisch.

Passend dazu gibt es noch den Magic Bar für das Wireless Keyboard von Apple (2xAA Version),

Weitere Informationen gibt es auf der Homepage von Mobee Technology.

Thomas Schedler
Thomas Schedler
Co-Founder & CEO Sulu
Thomas is Co-founder & CEO of Sulu GmbH, the company behind the open source content management platform Sulu. Before launching Sulu as a separate business, Thomas worked eight years as a Software Architect for MASSIVE ART WebServices. He was the technical lead for various digitalization projects, from complex business websites to e-commerce systems and IoT platforms. During this time the first version of Sulu, the open source CMS, was developed which has become the foundation of Sulu GmbH. In his spare time Thomas loves to cook and spend time in the mountains with his family.